Побиття ветерана у Смілі. Як припинити свавілля? Хто стоїть за побиттями військових і підпалами їхніх автівок? Чому поліція бездіяльна? Правові аспекти захисту військових і ветеранів. Гість: Василь Мірошніченко, адвокат, правник, кандидат юридичних наук.
Вкрадене мистецтво. Експозиції з музеїв на окупованій території масово вивозяться до росії. Які музеї найбільше розграбували? Хто з крадіїв визначав — що вартує викрадення, а що - ні? Де осідають наші колекції? Гостя — Катерина Родак, журналістка NGL.media.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.
Про російсько-українську війну.
Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.