Вікторія Крюкова
Вікторія Крюкова

Закінчила Київський національний лінгвістичний університет за спеціальністю "Філолог. Англійська мова та література". У період з 2016 до 2018 рр. здобувала ступінь магістра в Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка за англомовною програмою Journalism and social communications. У 2019–2020 рр. навчалася Performing Arts School Snoghoj — Acting Auteur Base Camp.

Журналістка-міжнародниця для "Лівого берега" та газети "День". Перекладачка для телеканалу "Обозреватель". Старша наукова співробітниця у Музеї Михайла Грушевського. Нині журналістка Radio Ukraine International та акторка ProEnglish Theater of Ukraine.

З дитинства мріяла працювати на радіо, бо багато балакала і швидко читала. "Усе, що ти хочеш так чи інакше збувається, якщо ти йдеш до цього. Просто завжди не тоді, і якось не так, як ти собі уявляєш" (Ю. Андрухович).

Майже усі її мрії здійснюються зараз і найкраще ще попереду, перконана Вікторія. Її часто питають, чому повернулася до України з Данії? Все прозаїчно — бо завжди боялася і робила те, що боюсь. І її інтуїція її не підвела. Вона повернулася, щоб змінитися (внутрішньо та, як результат, зовнішньо), і наразі у процесі.

На роботі Вікторію надихають люди, матеріали та нові ідеї, можливість розкрити різні теми (не лише політику) та розказати про багатьох талановитих людей, які створюють Україну.

Акторство та творчість — найбільша пристрасть у житті.

За життям Вікторії можна слідкувати на її фейсбук-сторінці

Передачі з архіву Українського радіо

11.05.2023 03:00:13 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

04.05.2023 03:00:12 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

25.04.2023 03:00:18 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

20.04.2023 03:00:13 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

27.03.2023 03:00:18 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

26.03.2023 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

20.03.2023 03:00:18 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

16.03.2023 03:00:13 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

13.03.2023 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

12.03.2023 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.